Dominica was selected to participate in a regional project entitled “Capacity Building of National Machineries for Governance with a Gender Perspective in Latin America and the Caribbean” funded by the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (UN ECLAC) in Santiago Chile. The selection was made on the basis of need for capacity building of the national machineries and in view of the fact that some attempts are being made towards creating the enabling environment towards gender mainstreaming.
The Project included the engagement of a consultant, Mrs Carla Harris-Pascal of A’Binti Production, to conduct a Situational Analysis of women and men in Dominica utilising secondary data; host two (2) national consultations with stakeholders and policy makers, administrators and planners and one workshop to discuss the findings of the situational analysis. The staff of the Women’s Bureau also assisted in data collection during two community consultations both for the purpose of the Situational Analysis and CEDAW reporting, and facilitated the consultant in the process of data collection.