Technical Assistance for Gender Mainstreaming in Dominica (Project, 2003)
The Project sought to address existing gender inequalities and strengthen family structure through consciousness raising on gender related issues of the general public and persons of key sectors. Ultimately, it was hoped that this Project would foster understanding of gender issues and obtain the commitment of key sectors to incorporate a gender perspective in sectorial programmes and plans thus creating an enabling environment for the Dominican populace.
The activities undertaken under the UNIFEM funded programme of gender sensitisation included:
- Consultations and National Symposium on Gender Mainstreaming under the theme “Forging Partnerships to Overcome Economic Challenges through Gender Mainstreaming.
- Gender Training and Development of a Gender Policy
- Day to Reject Violence Against Women: activities undertaken as part of this observance sought to address the issue for the co-existence of men and women in society reflected in tolerance for the opposite sex.
- A two-day gender sensitisation workshop with secondary school students on the north of the island.